Friday, October 10, 2008

Note for Jews! Part 2

Last time, I talked about the White anti-Semites, who misunderstand the Jewish people. It has been noted that the Jews are a decoy for the real leaders of the internationalists, just as Israel is a decoy for Saudi Arabia (We went to war into Iraq, for Saudi Arabia, not Israel. Mostly Likewise for an invasion of Iran). The Internationalists may disproportionately be Jewish; but they are not interested in Jewish genetic interests. If they did, non-White immigration and miscegenation would not be encouraged, at the current rates. It would also be risky showing Irish women and White women who could be mistaken for Jews, and even White women in generally mixing with non-Whites. By doing so, more Jewish women will likely follow suit. Contrary to popular belief, the Jewish women still consider themselves White, and will be brainwashed to race-mix no less than a blonde Swede. The White anti-Semites will say what they will; but the Jews are not consciously commiting racial suicide. Likewise for self-hating Whites. If we must get rid of the racially aware Jews and 'liberal' Jews, than what about the 'liberal' White Gentiles? There is much potential for a needed alliance between White Gentiles and Jews. The anti-Semitic calls from White anti-Semites must be ignored, but taken seriously.

Now, there are members of the Jewish Establishment that are harming the Jewish people. Likewise for many "anti-Hate" organizations. ironically, the anti-White radicals, many leftist Jews side with, happen to be even more anti-Semitic than David Duke. It's also ironic, the Jews are generally not a hyper-ethnocentric group. They are actually (on average) more anti-White and even anti-Jewish genetic interests than average White Gentiles are. The Jews actually do practice what they preach; there is very little double-standard in the Jewish community, regarding interracial marriage and procreation.

What drives them, is the Holocaust and persecutions which occur at this time. Orthodox Rabbis are attacked for the actions of (pro-race mixing) Jewish Hollywood executives*; it makes sense for the Jews to be upset when the wrong people are punished for offenses. This is the oppposite to the idea that the Jews want to be the only White people; or they feel safest in a racially diverse society. They just want to get on with their lives, and help their people. On an individual basis, it is likely true that a few Jews hate White Gentiles, just as some White Gentiles hate and want to exterminate Jews. However, this is beside the point, overrepresenting a small, powerful minority of Jews. It's also not representative of the Jewish people. They are in the same boat as we are.

Just as there are White Gentiles sabotaging our efforts to promote a strong relationship and alliance between Jews and White Gentiles, some Establishment Jews are doing the same thing. The latter's affects are dangerous and may prove dire for the Jewish people, even more than for the White Gentiles.

*I don't condone violence and/or the breaking of laws within respective jurisdictions.


My suggestion to the Jewish people, is to accept their (including White Gentiles') genetic interests. They should align with the Whites in self-preservation, while keeping society socially tolerant, whereby violence against others is condemned. Jewish Objective: keep society tolerant, permitting friendships transcending genetic ancestry; and oppose race-mixing and race replacement. Promote genetic preservation!

White Gentiles need to become tolerant toward Jews. Encourage them to assimilate with our society and culture, while permitting Jewish communities to remain genetically Jewish.

Jews possess significant intelligence, and White Gentiles have the numbers. Both need each other, as they are helpful to each other.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is foolish to believe that America is a pawn of Israel. American support for Israel originates in the Cold War. When the Soviets aligned with the Arab nations, America's strategy was to keep one foot in Israel, one in Saudi Arabia, and one in Iran.

American Democrat said...

Saudi Arabia and Iran have much oil, so it's logical to have feet in those countries. And there seems to be a power struggle between Iran and Saudi Arabia. We get our oil from the latter, while Russia and China are connected with the former.

We are also involved with Saudi Arabia, because of Saudi-based oil companies. Our oil companies are based therein, so they logically side with Saudi Arabia, so they lobby to our policy makers. And Saudi Arabia is using us to compete with the other OPEC nations. It influenced us to invade Iraq, a competitor.
Likely likewise with Iran.

Israel is used for the reason that it sits at a crossroads. It's situated perfectly well between the oil fields of these two countries. It's a lot like Georgia, but only it has intellectuals to contribute to the U.S. It's my belief, Israel is even a "pawn" for Saudi Arabia, in a chess match against Iran.

If Israel didn't serve its purpose, we wouldn't be siding with it.

American Democrat said...

Another thing I wanted to add was that Iraq actually served as a counterweight to Iran. A disarmed Iraq was unable to attack Israel, and actually countered Iran.

So, if Israel is trying to weaken Iran, then why did it want us to destroy a non-threatening country that kept Iran in check?